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Release task force report on sexual assaults by doctors: Editorial

A task force report on sexual assaults by doctors is gathering dust at Queen’s Park. It should be released as quickly as possible.

2 min read

A doctor who pleaded guilty in 2013 to sexual assaults in walk-in clinics is still practising, even after the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons’ own lawyer recommended to its disciplinary panel that he lose his licence.

It’s hard to believe the opinion of a single lawyer is holding up the release of a crucially important provincial task force report that shines a spotlight on the sexual abuse of patients by doctors and recommends ways to better protect the public. But it’s true.

The report, paid for with public funds after public hearings, has been gathering dust at Queen’s Park since March after lawyer Douglas Harrison of Stikeman Elliott found it to be defamatory, though other lawyers consulted by the province did not raise that concern.

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