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Time to overhaul Canada’s no-fly program

As the U.S. backs away from no-fly lists, the Canadian one is becoming more secretive, sweeping and less accountable.

3 min read

Six-year-old Adam Syed Ahmed at his home in Toronto, Ontario. Ahmed is on a list the requires an additional security check before flying.

In the wake of the 6-year-old caught in Canada’s no-fly web, the government has promised to examine changes to the program. “[It’s] no fault of their own,” says Ralph Goodale, the minister of public safety, adding that false positives “can present an awkward situation” and “a feeling of stigma.”

Awkwardness and stigma may not quite fully convey the extent of the impact for the hundreds or thousands on the list and those with similar names. Lost jobs, separation from family members, fear, anxiety and uncertainty are all too real. The National Council on Canadian Muslims, the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group and even our law firm have witnessed a growing number of complaints beyond delays and inconvenience.

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