Foreign, Comparative & International Legal Research

Quick Info
(3925.03)  Seminar
Chief Law Librarian Y. Dina and Law Librarian S. Wang
3 credit(s)  2 hour(s);
Lectures, small group discussion, workshops, student presentations
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course introduces students to basic concepts of foreign, comparative, and international law in the context of legal research. It teaches them to identify, select, evaluate and analyze sources and tools for researching foreign, comparative and international law. This is a hands-on skills oriented course with practical exercises and projects to help students understand the available tools and the appropriate research methodologies for given types of research projects. Students will learn to use a variety of resources including essential print collection and electronic databases to research foreign law of other jurisdictions. They will also learn to use available tools to identify applicable sources for public and private international law.