Business Associations

Quick Info
(2020.04)  Course
G. Ellinidis; Adjunct Professor
4 credit(s)  4 hour(s);
Lecture, discussion. 3 hours in class and one hour synchronous remote (Zoom).
Upper Year Research & Writing Requirement

This course introduces the laws governing various forms of business associations in Canada. The course will cover sole proprietorships, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, franchises with a particular focus on business corporations. The course will canvass such topics as:

· what are, and when do you use, a sole proprietorship, agency, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporations and franchises;
· the creation, organization and powers of the corporation;
· the capital structure and activities of the corporation;
· the management and control of the corporation;
· shareholder rights;
· the duties and responsibilities of shareholders, directors and officers;
· shareholder derivative actions and other remedies;
· introduction to corporate transactions;
· the liquidation and dissolution of the corporation; and
· Elements of Foreign Direct Investment (if time allows).

Method of Evaluation: 15% Participation; 85% Open-Book Examination. Participation is worth 15% of the course grade and the mark will be based on your relative in-class engagement as assessed on a discretionary basis. These marks can be earned by expressing your opinion, engaging in class discussion, asking questions (during class and not just at the break), volunteering to present a case or demonstrating active listening.