Osgoode and the wider York University community provide services and accommodations for students with physical, medical, sensory, mental health or learning disabilities. Examples of relevant academic supports include:
- The Dean’s Scribes Program, which pairs anonymous volunteer scribes with students who require the assistance of a note-taker
- Audio recordings
- Alternative exam arrangements
- Technical assistance and adaptive technologies
Outside the classroom, services may include accessible parking, attendant care or registration assistance. The library also provides accessibility services.
York’s Student Accessibility Services also provides a range of specialized services to students with disabilities.
To receive services and accommodations, please identify yourself as someone with a disability by registering with York University’s Student Accessibility Services, as well as by contacting Nancy Sperling at Osgoode’s Programs and Records Office (PRO). The self-identification process includes providing appropriate documentation concerning your disability. We encourage you to take these steps as soon as you accept Osgoode’s offer of admission.