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Name | Title | Department | Telephone | Office |
Abraham, René | Manager, Program & Event Services | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9732 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Abramson, Lauren | Recruitment Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Ahad, Stephen | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 647-459-1054 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Ahmad, Hassan M. | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-736-8164 | 3045 |
Akande, Rabiat | Assistant Professor and York Research Chair in Law and the Histories of Empire | Faculty | 416-650-8422 | |
Alford, Steve | Web Developer | Information Technology Services | 2031B | |
Amaral, Maria | Operations Assistant | Office of the Executive Officer | 416.736.2100 x55218 | 2030 |
Azizi, Nadia | Experiential Education Coordinator | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x 55973 | 1012C-2 |
Bahrami (On leave), Roz | Digital Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-2100x55945 | 0015 |
Bajwa, Murria | Service Assistant | 416-736-2100 x55218 | 2030 | |
Bandopadhyay, Saptarishi | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5488 | 4053 |
Barbieri, Mary | Faculty Assistant | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100 x33120 | 3041B |
Barich, Oliver | Administrative Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5326 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Bates, Lauren | Senior Lawyer | Law Commission of Ontario | 416-650-8100 | 2032G |
Ben-Ishai, Stephanie | Professor and York University Distinguished Research Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8239 | |
Benincasa, Leah | Program Coordinator, Non-Credit Programs | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9724 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Berger, Benjamin L. | Professor & York Research Chair in Pluralism and Public Law | Faculty | 416-736-5867 | 3030 |
Berger, Kate Glover | Associate Professor | Faculty | 4058 | |
Best, Jessica | Program Assistant | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100X31019 | 3041A |
Bhabha, Faisal | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5769 | 3036 |
Bharaj, Asmeet | Program Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Bharati, Subodh | Review Counsel, Immigration Law | Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) | 416-736-2100 x33150 | 1010H |
Bhatia, Amar | Associate Dean (Students) & Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5544 | 2025 |
Bilimoria, Hiteshkumar | Coordinator, Reader Services | Law Library | 416-736-5206 | 1011F |
Blaauw, Lisa | Student Advisor | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-2100 x44177 | 0015 |
Blasa, Fe Ana | Accounting Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-619-9353 x45270 | 3032 |
Boelsterli, Alexandra | Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5974 | 0015 |
Boisselle, Andrée | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5171 | 3035 |
Boittin, Margaret | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5349 | 4059 |
Bilski, Bridget | Assistant Director, JD/MBA Program | Office of the Dean | 1012K | |
Briggs, Christine | Associate Director, Admissions & Strategic Enrollment Planning | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9731 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Buchanan, Ruth | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5604 | 4024 |
Cameron, Jamie | Professor Emerita | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Carrington, Meghan | Communications & Events Coordinator | External Relations & Communications | 416-736-5638 | 1016 |
Caruso, Laura | Executive Officer | Law Commission of Ontario | 416-650-8457 | 2032 |
Casey, Nicole | Academic Accommodations Coordinator | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 1012G | |
Castillo-Pena, Brenda | Part-Time Reference Librarian | Law Library | IKB3021 | |
Chau, Andrea | Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5958 | 0015 |
Chen, Jianliang (Jason) | Senior Applications Administrator | Information Technology Services | 2031G | |
Chen, Liuqing | Student Advisor | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Chen (on leave), Liyuan | Program Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 0015 | |
Cherry, Ashur | Helpdesk Technician | Information Technology Services | 416-736-2100 x55401 | 1013 |
Chiodo, Suzanne | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 4035 | |
Choudhury, Barnali | Professor and Director, Jack & Mae Nathanson Centre on Transnational Human Rights, Crime and Security | Faculty | 416-736-5535 | |
Condon, Mary G. | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5199 | 4025 |
Cormack, Laurie | Research Officer | Research Administration | 416-736-5283 | 2033D |
Cozzi, Lesa | Manager, Academic Programs & Records | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 1012J | |
Craig, Carys J. | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5189 | 3044 |
Crichley, Jonathan | Audio Visual Operator | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
D'Agostino, Giuseppina (Pina) | Associate Professor and York Research Chair in Intellectual Property, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies | Faculty | 416-736-5319 | 3046 |
D’Urzo, Antonietta | Programs and Records Assistant | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100x66509 | 1012 |
Davis, John N. | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Law Library | 416-650-8037 | 3015 |
De Stefano, Valerio | Professor and Canada Research Chair in Innovation Law and Society | Faculty | 416-736-2100 x 55871 | 4049 |
Depina, Kiersten | Audio Visual Operator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5327 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Devasenathipay, Branavaa | Digital Marketing Manager | Osgoode Professional Development | 0015 | |
Di Franco, Brittany | Registration & Enquiries Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9724 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Dina, Yemisi | Chief Law Librarian | Law Library | 416-650-8404 | 1011C |
Dougherty, Benjamin | Registration & Enquiries Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9724 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Drake, Karen | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5473 | 4038 |
Drummond, Susan G. | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8184 | 4037 |
Drysdale, Jennifer | Coordinator Community and Legal Aid Services Programme | Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) | 416-736-2100 x33144 | 1010B |
Dufraimont, Lisa | Professor and Associate Dean (Academic) | Faculty | 416-736-5289 | 2026A |
Eylon, Talia | Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 0015 | |
Faclaris, Vicky | Recruitment & Admissions Co-Ordinator | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x22366 | 1012P |
Faraday, Fay | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-2100 x33471 | 3020 |
Farrow, Trevor C. W. | Dean & Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5199 | 2026E |
Fatima, Tiffany | Instruction & Administration Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5125 | 0015 |
Felleti Cevallos, Elisa | Coordinator, Academic & International Programs | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x66509 | 1012F |
Fikre, Alexandra | Operations Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5328 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Fong, Manivanh | CLE Program Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5405 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Fox, Emoline | Manager, Student Experience | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5047 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Fox, Jasun | Executive Officer | Office of the Executive Officer | 417-736-2100x55938 | 2030D |
Francis, Michele | Library Assistant, Orders & Accounts | Law Library | 416-736-2100 x33935 | 0010D |
Frasca, Maria | Administrative Assistant (OPIR & Mooting) | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-5138 | 1012C-1 |
Fried, Audrey | Director, Faculty & Curriculum Development | Osgoode Professional Development | 1 Dundas St. W | |
Fritsch, Ryan | Research Lawyer | Adjunct Faculty, Law Commission of Ontario | ||
Gamerio, Tracey | Program Coordinator | Law in Action Within Schools (LAWS) | 416-736-5784 | 2022 |
Gavigan, Shelley A. M. | Professor Emerita | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 416-736-5558 | 3015 |
Geronimo, Gail | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 647-999-1085 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Geva, Benjamin | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5045 | 4060 |
Gilmour, Joan M. | Professor Emerita | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Ginsberg, Judy | Librarian Emerita | Law Library | 416-736-5898 | 3015 |
Girard, Philip | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Gonsalves, Lielle | Research Centre Coordinator | Graduate Studies & Research Services | 416-736-5586 | 3067D |
Gratton, Susan | Research Lawyer | Law Commission of Ontario | 416-650-8437 | 2032G |
Hackenberger, Shanel | Program Assistant, Non-Credit Programs | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Haigh, Richard A. | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8257 | 3003 |
Halévy, Balfour | Librarian Emeritus | Law Library | 416-736-5587 | |
Hamilton, Alicia | Executive Assistant | Office of the Dean | 416-736-2100x55199 | 2026H |
Hay, Douglas C. | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | ||
Heald, Luke | Manager, Academic Affairs and Instructor Support | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-2100 x 33187 | 0015 |
Hepperle, Samantha | Audio Visual Operator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5848 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Herrmann, Anita | Director | External Relations & Communications | 416-736-5364 | 1016A |
Hewitt, Jeffery G. | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5322 | |
Hoffman, Steven | Professor / Dahdaleh Distinguished Chair / Director, Global Strategy Lab | Faculty | 416-736-2100 x 33364 | Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building, 2120 |
Hurst, Alison | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 647-241-2537 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Hutchinson, Allan C. | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5048 | 3050 |
Imai, Shin | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 416-736-5274 | |
Johnson, Tom | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Jones, Tristan | Audio Visual Operator | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Karacsony, Alexandra | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 647-999-8796 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Karstoff, Brent | Director, Information Technology Services | Information Technology Services | 416-736-5556 | 2031F |
Kierstead, Shelley | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5365 | 3018 |
Knight, F. Tim | Associate Librarian, Head of Technical Services | Law Library | 416-650-8403 | |
Lacse, May Flor | CLE Program Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-619-8933 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Lawrence, Sonia | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5562 | 3026 |
LeBlanc, Claire | Accounting Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-8606 x45606 | 3032 |
Adebisi, Taiyewo | Library Assistant, Reader Services | Law Library | 416-736-5206 | 1011F |
Lee, Yu Tin | Application Support Specialist | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-723-9396 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Leung, Hong Kiu (Anita) | CLE Program Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9727 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Li, Huaihong | Financial Coordinator | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100 x55496 | 2030A |
Li, Jinyan | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5025 | 4001 |
Litt, Kiran | Student Success & Wellness Counsellor | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-402-4084 | 4027 |
Louka, Corina | Programs and Records Assistant | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 1012 | |
Malik, Anum | Adjunct Faculty, Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) | 44201 | 1010C | |
Martin, Gabrielle | Digital Services & Material Processing Assistant | Law Library | 416-736-2100 x66402 | 0010 |
Martin, Nicola | Career Development Officer | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x22366 | 1012L |
Matthews, Heidi | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-736-2100 x33327 | |
McCamus, John D. | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 416-736-5569 | 4029 |
McGregor, Deborah | Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice | Faculty | 416-736-5184 | 4030 |
McMahon, Patricia | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-736-2100 x22665 | 4007 |
McNeil, Kent | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
McRoberts, Stephane | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 647-999-5723 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Meghapara, Khushbu | Administrative Assistant | Office of the Dean | ||
Meghapara, Khushbu | Administrative Assistant for the Associate Dean | 416-736-2100 x55598 | 2026J | |
Mekonnen, Salame | Audio Visual Operator | Osgoode Professional Development | 1 Dundas St. W | |
Melançon, Janique | Marketing Database Specialist | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-0023 | 0015 |
Mgbeoji, Ikechi | Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8171 | 3052 |
Micheli, Elise | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-302-3863 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Miller (on leave), Samantha | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-937-8983 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Mishibinijima, Lori | Program Manager & Special Advisor, Indigenous & Reconciliation Initiatives | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x22333 | 2022 |
Mohammadi, Farbod | Library Assistant | Law Library | 416-736-5206 | 1011F |
Monardo, Angela | Faculty Assistant | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100 x33102 | 4050B |
Moore, Lisa | Operations Director and Research Coordinator | Canadian Forum on Civil Justice | 416-736-5828 | 2013 |
Mosher, Janet | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5457 | 3016 |
Mossman, Mary Jane | Professor Emerita | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Moutoulas, Angela | Director, CLE Programs | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Moy, Bobby | Seminar Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5328 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Murphy, Christopher | Manager, Library Operations | Law Library | 416-736-2100 x22826 | 1011A Ignat Kaneff Building |
Mykitiuk, Roxanne | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5204 | 4043 |
Nadler, Jennifer | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5464 | |
Narcisi, Nadia | Student Financial Services Coordinator | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-8007 | 1012R |
Nedelsky, Jennifer | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5627 | 4056 |
Okafor, Obiora Chinedu | Professor & York Research Chair in International and Transnational Legal Studies | Faculty | 416-736-5043 | 3011 |
Omuodo-Kouassi, Christine | Manager, Operations & Strategic Planning | Office of the Executive Officer | 416.456.2623 | 2030B |
Oppong, Richard Frimpong | Professor | Faculty | 4012 | |
Ostapchuk, Shawn | Media Production Technician | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-619-8934 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Owusu, Mary | Program Manager | Law in Action Within Schools (LAWS) | 416-736-5934 | 2021 |
Ozai, Ivan | Assistant Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8294 | 4021 |
Paciocco, Palma | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5880 | 3034 |
Parachin, Adam | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5803 | 4063 |
Paranjape, Avnee | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | ||
Park, Hyo-Geong | Faculty Assistant | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100 x 55044 | 4050C |
Parshad, Rohini | Academic Affairs Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-2100 x45230 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Paul, Rebecca | People Partner | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100 x 55923 | 2030C |
Penney, Jonathon | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5561 | 4039 |
Perelman, Anna | Director, Marketing & Enrolment Management | Osgoode Professional Development | 647-291-2127 | 0015 |
Perlin, Daniel | Associate Librarian, Reference | Law Library | 416-736-5380 | 1011B |
Philipps, Lisa | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5657 | 3007 |
Piacente-Battisti, Stefania | Administrative Coordinator, Associate Dean (Students) and Law Journal | Law Journal, Office of the Dean | 416-736-5354 | 2024 |
Pilkington, Marilyn L. | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Premachandran, Grace | Manager, Experiential Education & Career Development | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 1012M | |
Priel, Dan | Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8147 | 4047 |
Puri, Poonam | Professor and York Research Chair in Corporate Governance, Investor Protection & Financial Markets | Faculty | 416-736-5542 | |
Rai, Dilraj | CLE Program Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | 1 Dundas St. W | |
Ramos Jr, Marcos | Manager, Admissions & Financial Services | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x22366 | 1012N |
Rehaag, Sean | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8274 | 3013 |
Reid-Warren, Nadine | Career Services Assistant | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 1012S | |
Ren, Yijia | Admissions and Recruitment Coordinator | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 1012Q | |
Resendes, Louise | Recruitment & Admission Officer | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x22366 | 1012K |
Rimon, Mya | Assistant Dean, Students | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-5699 | 1012H |
Robinson, Erika | Research Events & Communications Coordinator | External Relations & Communications | 416-736-2100 x 55771 | 1016 |
Rogers, Marianne | Librarian Emerita, Reference | Law Library | 416-736-2100 x33934 | 4064 |
Romano, Elisa | Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5027 | 0015 |
Rosati, Mary | Faculty Assistant | Office of the Executive Officer | 416-736-2100 x33147 | 4050A |
Rotondo, Carmela | Student Services Coordinator | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100x66509 | 1012D |
Ryder, Bruce B. | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5548 | 3029 |
Saberi, Hengameh | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5694 | 4052 |
Samaroo, Mark | Service Delivery Lead | Information Technology Services | 2031D | |
Schaefer, Beck | Cataloguing Assistant (Law) | Law Library | 416-736-2100 x33515 | 0010D |
Scott, Craig M. | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5366 | |
Scott, Dayna N. | Professor & York Research Chair in Environmental Law & Justice in the Green Economy | Faculty | 416-736-5721 | 4045 |
Seventikidis, Sophia | Admissions Coordinator | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5182 | 0015 |
Shaller-Auslander, Evelyn | Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 0015 | |
Slattery, Brian | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Slinn, Sara | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5052 | 3008 |
Smith, Adrian A. | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5809 | 4006 |
Smith , Scarlet | Director, Community & Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) | Adjunct Faculty, Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) | 416-736-2100 x33999 | 1010E |
Smithen-Clarke, Moesha | Seminar Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 1 DUNDAS STREET WEST | |
Stephen, Elizabeth | Student Success & Wellness Counsellor/Counselling Supervisor | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-5597 | 4032 |
Sue, Graham | Manager, Graduate Studies & Research Services | Graduate Studies & Research Services | 416-317-2826. | 2033E |
Sutherland, Kate | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5041 | 3027 |
Tadors, Maggie | Digital Law Librarian | Law Library | ||
Tam, Michael | Program Lawyer, Professional Graduate & International Programs | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-619-8931 | 0015 |
Tanguay-Renaud, François | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5644 | 3005 |
Tendean, Tracy | Marketing Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9577 | 0015 |
Tersigni, David | Director, Business Operations | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9724 | 3032 |
Thomas, Aneurin | Executive Director | Adjunct Faculty, Law Commission of Ontario | 416-650-8402 | 2032C |
Thomas, David | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5986 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Thomas, Meghan | Director, Professional Graduate & International Programs | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9725 | 0015G |
Tilak, Shahnoor | Business Systems Analyst | Information Technology Services | 2031H | |
Tran, Tiffany | Technology Support Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-736-5306 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Van Harten, Gus | Professor | Faculty | 416-650-8419 | 4023 |
Van Wagner, Estair | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5476 | 4017 |
Vu, Jennifer | Admissions & Student Financial Services Assistant | Office of Admissions and Student Services | 416-736-2100 x 22366 | 1012 |
Vulimiri, Amita | Research Lawyer | Law Commission of Ontario | 416-650-8100 | 2032E |
Wai, Robert S. | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5049 | 4036 |
Walker, Janet | Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5580 | |
Wang, Sharon | Associate Librarian & Adjunct Faculty | Law Library | 416-736-5893 | 1011D |
Wassermuhl, Amanda | Manager, Faculty Governance & Dean's Office | 2026B | ||
Watkins, Victoria | Assistant Dean & Executive Director | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-597-9734 | 1 Dundas St. W |
White, Emily Kidd | Associate Professor | Faculty | 416-736-5826 | 3033 |
Williams, Cynthia | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 416-736-5545 | |
Wong, Prina | Graduate Program Assistant | Graduate Studies & Research Services | 416-736-8208 | 2033H |
Young, Alan N. | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 3015 | |
Yu, Steven | Adjunct Faculty, Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP) | 30130 | 1010H | |
Zacharakis, Myrsini | Program Lawyer | Osgoode Professional Development | 416-278-7721 | 1 Dundas St. W |
Zemans, Frederick H. | Professor Emeritus | Emeritus Faculty, Faculty | 416-736-5037 | 3015 |
Zheng, Vincent | Accounting Assistant | Osgoode Professional Development |