Constitutional Cases Conference
We are planning for our next Constitutional Cases conference – the 26th iteration – on Friday, April 14, 2023!
Osgoode Hall Law School’s Annual Constitutional Cases Conference, recognized as the leading constitutional law conference in Canada, brings together many highly respected constitutional scholars, lawyers, students, and experts for an insightful and practical analysis of the Supreme Court’s significant constitutional judgments of the past year.
For the past three years this conference has been held online only and has been free of charge. We are grateful to all our speakers and our audience members for their enthusiastic participation, and for the way that they kept the “community” of this Conference alive.
This year, we have chosen to recognize the benefits of being in person along with the flexibility and access that online options offer by holding this conference in a hybrid fashion. Hybrid conferences are more costly and complex than either online only or in person only. Our model for this conference is and has been for some time a “break-even” model. Our panelists are generous with their time and travel requirements, and we aim not to make a profit but to have the conference cover its own costs. We hope that you understand our decision to have a cost for online attendance, and we welcome comments on this and any other aspect of the event. We continue to be committed to providing a high quality of CLE/academic writing, opportunities for discussion and networking, and excellent value for money to all attendees.
Professors Sonia Lawrence, Benjamin L. Berger and Emily Kidd White, Annual Osgoode Constitutional Cases Conference Chairs