PCLS Panel Discussion

The Intensive Program in Poverty Law at Parkdale Community Legal Services presents:


Understanding the Housing Crisis and Tenant Rent Strikes

Wednesday 1 November 2023 from 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

Room 1005

The housing crisis is Canada’s most pressing domestic public policy issue for municipal, provincial and the federal governments.

Tenants are facing escalating rents and aggressive eviction strategies. They are fighting back with rent strikes.

Parkdale has been the epicentre of the renoviction crisis for years.

Come learn about the housing crisis from our lawyers and legal workers on the front lines!


Fay Faraday, Academic Director, Intensive Program in Poverty Law at Parkdale Community Legal Services

Samuel Mason, Housing Lawyer, Parkdale Community Legal Services

Cole Webber, Housing Rights Community Legal Worker, Parkdale Community Legal Services


Nov 01 2023


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm


Osgoode, 1005
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