Corporations and Climate Change Poster

Prof. Hassan M. Ahmad on “Corporations and Climate Change: Where Does Canadian Law Stand?”

Climate change is a reality and increasingly becoming an existential threat. Canadian corporations that emit significant amounts of greenhouse gases have thus far borne little, if any, accountability for their climate impacts.

This presentation will share the findings of a report authored by Professor Hassan M. Ahmad as part of a comparative project spearheaded by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. It will detail three things. First, it will examine available and potential causes of action through the common law, statutory and constitutional mechanisms, human rights frameworks, and regulatory schemes, among others. Second, it will outline the evidentiary and procedural aspects of putative Canadian corporate climate litigation. And third, it will discuss potential remedies available to plaintiffs.


Oct 16 2024


12:30 pm - 2:00 pm

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Moot Court Room (1005)
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