Research Commons Workshop – Building a Research Team: Thinking Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (DEDI) and High-Quality Personnel (HQP) (Part I)
Are you at the point in your career where you’re beginning to build your research team, but unsure of where to start? Perhaps you need to expand your team? In our two-part Building a Research Team workshop series we will begin shedding some light on how to decide who you need on your team, the supports they will need and how to properly prepare (fiscally and culturally) for your new research team. We hope our workshop gets you and your new team ready to reach higher levels of research impact than imagined.
Part I: Planning and Recruiting for HQP and DEDI
• Learning how to write a job advertisement encouraging equity seeking
groups apply, and
• Ensure the interview, follow-up, and
on boarding are smooth processes
Emma Yuen
Senior HR Officer, Office of the Vice-President Research and Innovation
Kim McIntrye
Postdoctoral Services & Professional Skills Coordinator, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Sapna Sharma
Associate Professor, Faculty of Science 2022
Postdoctoral Supervisor of the Year
(Faculty of Graduate Studies)