Library Access
The Osgoode Hall Law School Library is also the law library of York University. The library is open to all students, faculty and other members of the York University community as well as to members of the legal profession and the local community. All are welcome to use the library’s collections and services, though access to licensed online resources is necessarily restricted to university borrowers.
All study spaces in the Harris-Taylor Family Reading Room in the Upper Library are reserved for the exclusive use of Osgoode Hall Law School students. The study spaces in the Lower Library’s McMillan LLP Reading Room are available to everyone. Group study rooms in the upper and lower levels are only available to Osgoode Hall Law School students.
Extended Hours Period (Restricted Study)
Study spaces at Osgoode Hall Law School Library are available only to law school students during the extended hours period each term, which begins prior to, and includes, the Osgoode examination periods. It is important to have your YU card credentials with you as you enter and leave the library for the extended hours period.
Library Conduct
York University is a place of research, teaching and learning where people value civility, diversity, equity, honesty and respect in their direct and indirect interactions with one another. Freedom of expression, freedom of association, freedom to study and to learn, freedom to engage in research, and the freedom to write and to publish are all recognized as central to the mission of the institution. It is acknowledged that these values can only be meaningful, and these freedoms fully realized, in an atmosphere of safety and security. All York students have rights and responsibilities as outlined in Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities (PDF version) and are expected to uphold the identified values for the benefit of the entire York community.
In addition to students’ rights and responsibilities as outlined in the Code of Student Rights & Responsibilities, Osgoode Hall Law School Library encourages all users to observe the following guidelines while taking advantage of library facilities, resources, and services. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Under no circumstances may children be on their own in the Osgoode Law Library.
Eating and Drinking
The Library strives to provide a clean, scent-free environment for users and to preserve the print collection for long-term use. Food or drink accumulation can cause irreparable damage to library material and will attract insects and mice. Food aromas may also disturb other library patrons. Damaged library materials cannot always be replaced because they are either too costly or no longer available for purchase. Food of any kind, including their containers, is not allowed in the Library. Ensure your beverages are in a spill-proof container. Please be considerate of others. Clear your study space for the next person and dispose of all paper waste in the recycling containers provided.
Smoking and Vaping
Smoking, vaping, and the consumption of illegal substances are strictly prohibited within Osgoode Hall Law School, including the library.
Osgoode Hall Law School Library study areas are zoned based on expected levels of interaction. This is to maintain an environment conducive to intensive study and research and ensure users are aware of their conduct while visiting. Please note that the upper level silent study area (also known as the Harris-Taylor Family Reading Room) is for Osgoode students only.
When arriving, please take note of the zones available:

Visitors may identify the zone they are occupying by observing one of the following:
Mobile Devices
In the interest of other users we ask that the ringers on cell phones and volume settings on other mobile or computing devices be set to silent when you are in the library. It is recommended that phone conversations take place outside the library.
Exit Gates
Users who have activated the alarm upon exit are asked to return to the circulation desk to ensure books are properly desensitized for loan.