Results for the 2021 Ontario Trial Lawyers Association (OTLA) Cup are in and Osgoode JD students Joshua White and William Lewer have won awards for best cross-examination and best closing, respectively.
“Both should get an A+,” said Ryan Breedon of Breedon Litigation who, along with Ngai On Young, a Crown Attorney with the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, coached the team.
Each year OTLA lawyers volunteer their time to support the development of trial skills, civility and professionalism among law school students by organizing the OTLA Cup. Law schools from across Ontario compete in a simulated trial that covers all aspects of a real court case.
This year’s OTLA Cup was held virtually on March 6, 2021, but normally it is held in a courthouse, rotating among various cities around the province, and is presided over by a local judge, with OTLA members making up the jury.
Through the generous support of various law firms, OTLA members award prizes to the law students who exemplify the best in trial advocacy.