Student Conference Explores Corporate Scandals, Crisis Intervention, and Organizational Resilience

JD MBA Students' Association Conference program cover: Corporate Scandal

The 27th Annual Business & Law Conference kicked off with a warm welcome to attendees, as the JD/MBA Students’ Association from Osgoode Hall Law School and Schulich School of Business brought together a diverse audience of students, alumni, academics, and industry professionals. The conference serves as a platform for exploring pressing issues at the crossroads of law, business, and public policy.

This year’s theme, “Corporate Scandal: Crisis Intervention and Organizational Resilience,” delves into the aftermath of corporate scandals that have made global headlines in recent years. From unethical tax consulting in Australia to high-profile price-fixing battles in Canada, the conference aims to dissect the complexities surrounding these scandals and shed light on strategies for crisis intervention and organizational recovery.

The event focuses on key themes, including the creation and maintenance of crisis-resilient organizations, rebuilding post-scandal, and effective management and lawyering amid corporate crises. The expert panelists and Keynote Speaker, Lawrence Ritchie ’86, are expected to provide valuable insights into these critical areas.

Dean Trevor Farrow, addressing the attendees, expressed pride in the high-caliber students who make up York University’s premier JD/MBA program. Recognizing the unique position of these students with a dual education in law and business, Dean Farrow emphasized the importance of understanding the intricate challenges posed by corporate scandals. He highlighted the role of legal and business professionals in upholding justice, transparency, and accountability.

Encouraging active participation in discussions, Dean Farrow urged attendees to absorb the knowledge shared by distinguished speakers and collaborate with peers to deepen their understanding of corporate law and governance. He emphasized that the legal profession goes beyond interpreting statutes, calling on attendees to safeguard the principles that underpin society.

In closing, Dean Farrow expressed confidence that the conference would equip students with a heightened awareness of the challenges and complexities in the corporate and legal spheres. He encouraged them to seize the opportunity to expand their horizons, challenge their perspectives, and emerge as advocates for justice and ethical conduc