Application and Tuition Fees

Osgoode is committed to ensuring that financial barriers don’t stand between talented candidates and a legal education. Our Financial Services pages outline tools and supports that can help students fund their law school education.

Application Fees

  • Ontario Law School Application Service (OLSAS) Fee – check the OLSAS website for current application fees.
  • The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is a required component of your application. Check the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) website for current fees.

Application Fee Waivers

Osgoode waives a portion of the application fee for students who can demonstrate financial hardship. To receive an application for a waiver, please contact Only waivers received two weeks in advance of the November 1st application deadline will be considered to ensure that the fee-waiver application process does not delay the submission of law school applications.

Tuition Fees

Annual Tuition is announced each year in the summer.

2023-2024 JD Program Fees






Ancillary Fees






Beginning in the 2024 academic year, domestic students who are non-Ontario residents will pay a fee differential of an additional 5%.

Joint Program Fees


The JD/MBA Program has eight terms. In total, you will pay Osgoode tuition for 5 terms and Schulich tuition for 3 terms. For more information about when you pay which faculty, please contact the Financial Services Office. Please check the Schulich website to view their current tuition.

JD/MES and JD/MA Philosophy

Students in the JD/MES and JD/MA Philosophy program pay Osgoode tuition for all terms spent at Osgoode (6 terms in total) and the other faculty’s tuition when completing work at the other faculty. Please review the relevant faculty’s website to confirm their current tuition.

JD/LLB (Civil)

Students in the JD/LLB (Civil) program pay Osgoode tuition when enrolled at Osgoode and tuition to the Université de Montréal when enrolled there.

Academic Fee Waivers and Supports

York University has provision for academic fee waivers for York employees and their dependants, as well as senior citizens. There are additional provisions for the payment of fees by an external agency (e.g. First Nations government, embassy, etc.). See the York University website for full details.