Clinical Programs

Three photos of students in clinical programs

Clinical legal education is a pedagogical approach in which students take on responsibility for real client matters, guided and supervised by skilled, experienced lawyers. Hands-on legal experience is already part of Osgoode’s praxicum courses; our clinical programs immerse you even more deeply in actual legal work, with all the challenges and responsibilities that entails.

Working on a range of issues with both individual clients and organizations, you have a chance to develop fundamental lawyering skills, from interviewing and advising, to legal document drafting, to community organizing and advocacy. Because our clinical programs support many marginalized individuals and communities, you see firsthand where practical needs intersect with broader issues of public policy and potential legal reform. At the same time, your client interactions help you develop empathy, cultural awareness and a sensitivity to the power dynamic within the lawyer-client relationship – and across the legal system generally.

Our programs also build in time for reflection on the learning process, encouraging you to connect practical experience with theory. Your clinical instructors and program directors engage you in exploring issues of professional identity and values, in tackling contextualized problem-solving and in examining the systemic impacts of law.

Advanced Business Law Workshop I: Corporate Finance
Advanced Business Law Workshop II: Mergers & Acquisitions
Anti-Discrimination Intensive Program
Community and Legal Aid Services Program (CLASP)
Disability Law Intensive Program
Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinical Program
Feminist Advocacy: Ending Violence Against Women Clinical Program
Intellectual Property Law and Technology Intensive Program
Intensive Program in Criminal Law
Intensive Program in Immigration and Refugee Law
Intensive Program in Indigenous Lands, Resources and Governments
Intensive Program in Poverty Law at Parkdale Community Legal Services
International and Transnational Law Intensive Program
Investor Protection Clinic
Osgoode Business Clinic
Osgoode Mediation Clinical Program
Wrongful Conviction Clinical Program

Osgoode’s clinical programs are funded in part by the Law Foundation of Ontario.