Luna X. Li

PhD Candidate
Luna X. Li photo
Dissertation Title
Protecting Creators’ Data Ownership in the Artificial Intelligence Era

I am a PhD student at Osgoode Hall Law School and an SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship recipient, researching AI regulations, creative workers' copyrights, privacy and data governance. I teach as a Writing Instructor at York University.

I hold a Juris Doctor degree from Osgoode, a Master’s in Industrial Relations and Human Resources from the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor's in Economics (minor in Psychology) from Wuhan University. As a legal scholar, a lawyer (Ontario), and a former HR professional, I take great pleasure in collaborating with scholars from various disciplines.


Recent news that OpenAI transcribed over a million hours of YouTube videos to train ChatGPT-4.0 has shocked the creative industry. However, as of today, Google, the tech tycoon that owns YouTube, has not publicly asserted its rights against OpenAI, the unicorn that owns a trending artificial intelligence (“AI”) application – ChatGPT. Due to current laws’ limitations, as will be investigated in my paper, when the platform shows inaction to potential data breaches, individual content creators would find it extremely difficult to fight for themselves.